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Pastry Order Form

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Select Your Quantities Below

AP Crispy Rice 12ct

AP Puff N Rice 12ct

AP Puff Wheat 12ct

APC ChocCupcake 6ct

APC Van Cupcake 6ct

APD Apple Dan 6ct

APD Blue Dan 6ct

APD Cherry Dan 6ct

APD Honey Buns 9ct

APM Mini Donut 12ct

APM MiniChocDonut 12ct

APP Pln Finger 8ct

APR Rasp Finger 8ct

APS Apple Str 6ct

APS Blue Str 6ct

APS Cherry Str 6ct

BAP Apple Dan 24ct

BAP Bear Claw 24ct

BAP Berry Dan 24ct

BAP Blue Dan 24ct

BAP Cheese Crs 24ct

BAPD Choc Donut 48ct

BAPD Crum Donut 48ct

BAPD Powd Donut 48ct

BAPM Ban Nt Muf 30ct

BAPM Blue Muff 30ct

BAPM Choc Muff 30ct

BAPS Banana Ck 40ct

BAPS Banchoc Ck 40ct

BAPS Cheese Ck 40ct

BAPS Chs Coffee 36ct

MS Pecan Tart 12ct

MS Raisin Tart 12ct

MS Reg Tart 12ct

7Day Choc Croissant 6ct

7Day Straw Croissant 6ct

7Day Vanilla Croissant 6ct

TBB Go Nut Squares 12ct

TBB Puffed Wheat 12ct

TBB Rice Crispy 12ct

TBB Swirly Squares 12ct

Twobite Brownie 10ct

Twobite Cinn 10ct

VPS 6/ Ah Caramel

VPS 6/ Joe Louis

VPS 6/ Passion Flakie

VPS Twinkies 9/3pk


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